Mona ke tsohle tseo o hlokang ho li tseba ka Fork in the Road BBQ Contest |Lintho tse ikhethang

Ke karolo ea WTHI-TV Fork in the Road BBQ Fest.Ketsahalo e tla etsahala ka Moqebelo oa la 7 Mphalane ho The Mill e Terre Haute.
Ho na le meputso ea likhopo tse ntle ka ho fetisisa, brisket, nama ea kolobe e hutsoeng, ea khoho esita le khetho ea batho.Moputso ke $10,000 mme ea hapileng moputso o moholo o tla fumana $4,000.
E ka 'na eaba ha u tsebe ho pheha kapa ha u batle ho pheha, empa u ntse u rata ho chesa.Re boetse re u tšoaretse litaba tse monate.U ntse u ka kopanela monateng ka ho reka litekete tsa motho ka mong kapa ho behela tafole ea batho ba robeli.
Sebatli sa hau se siiloe ke nako 'me se ka ba kotsing ea ts'ireletso.Re khothaletsa ho fetohela ho e 'ngoe ea li-browser tse latelang:

Nako ea poso: Jan-18-2024
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